Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We are getting ready to embark on a new and terrifying adventure. As of July 31st Brandon's job of 13 years will be gone. The business he worked for is closing its doors. Brandon will be taking over part of the company and starting his own business. I am terrified. It is really our best option but it is very scary. I can bearly keep our personal life above water I am not sure how we are going to manage a business. We go back and forth, feeling excited one minute and completly terrified the next. I have been praying for a long time for and answer to our financial situation. I am not sure how this is an answer to my prayers yet but I am looking forward to finding out. I think!

I am not sure I like adventure!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just came back from a great trip to Las Vegas. We were lucky enough to attend my twin neices graduation from highschool. We went with my parents. We were able to stay in a very nice hotel thanks to my very generous sister Stephanie. My Brother Jerry made us some great mexican food and took us out on his boat. We were able to see Hoover Dam from the back side and see the construction of the new bridge. We got to see some Mountain Sheep on the rocks around Lake Mead. It was cool. I have never seen anything like that in the wild before, only at the zoo. got some great pictures. We took Brenda with us and she had a great time. She loved to stand and look out the window of our hotel and watch the planes. They flew over about every 5 minutes. She stood there for hours. She also really liked the pool. She never wanted to get out of the water. She really liked chasing down the pidgeons and calling them ducks.

It was so fun to see my family. Went to a great Luau at Bonnie and Eddie's after the Graduation. Bonnie had a great spread. I really hated to leave yesterday. McNeil was not able to go with us. He left yesterday morning for a scout trip to Yellowstone. He had to leave before we would get back so he stayed with his Aunt Jennie and Uncle Jeff. I hope he has a great time on his trip we sure have missed him. I don't like to be away from my children for very long. It was a great trip for us but Ron got sick on Monday night and was sick until we left Wednesday morning. It was scary to see him so sick. We thought we would be visiting the hospital. Luckily we did not have to. I hope my family in Vegas know that I love them and was so glad to get to spend some time with them.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Brenda had another trip to the doctor on tuesday night. Another seizure. Man I hate those things even though they have assured us that they are not harmful. I just hate watching my children suffer. I can not imagine what our Heavenly Father has to go through. I wish I could protect them from anything hurtful but I guess that we are here to learn and I have to let them. I am grateful for the gospel and for my testimony because I don't know how I would get through the days. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have. (I could use a little more.) I see so much struggle around me and I wish I could fix it for those people that I love so much. But all I can do is pray and hope things will get better. I love Easter time it is a great time for reflection on Christ and the things he has done for me. Mostly in times that I have been undeserving. I can't believe the life I have been given. A great husband and the best kids in the world. As I go through the struggles of each day I just need to remind myself of the big picture. I know that no matter what happens to us here. It is just a small part of what is in store for us. I am grateful for that knowledge, and I hope it will be enough to keep me focused and moving in the right direction. Hope my family and friends know how much I love them and I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter! (wow that was deep)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes we are still alive. Since I got onto Facebook I don't blog much. Not that I did much before. I have been surving the last few months. I am sick of the cold and the snow. The new batch of snow yesterday almost made me cry. Will it ever end? McNeil is still doing well in school and Brenda is changing daily. She has a vocabulary of about 15 words and can just about get anywhere that she wants to. I am still looking for at home work and trying to get finances organized. I am sure negative when I think about the economy. I am trying to stay focused on the big picture but it is hard when things look so bleak. I hate to see people suffering and not being in a position to help I hope things will get better. Brandon and I were talking the other day about how there has not been a day since Brenda came along that we have not laughed. I am so glad I have my kids to keep me focused. They make me want to be a better person.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Someone got mad at me yesterday because I never update my blog. So sorry. Here it goes. Things have been interesting. The Christmas holidays have come and gone and were nice. I enjoyed having McNeil home for the most part and Brandon was able to have some time off too. That was really nice. For the past 3 years we have had a major medical incident happen in January. 1st there was my kidney stone surgery and hospital stay. The following January we had Brenda which was awesome and so worth it, but I am speaking from a monetary point of view right now. Then last week I spent four days with Brenda in the pediatric ward. She was having seizures caused by high fevers. They never found out what was causing the problem but she got to go through a lot of testing and poking to find out what wasn't causing the problem. We are sure glad she is home and healthy now. The poor thing was poked 17 times before she got to come home. Most of those pokes were people trying to put an IV into her tiny veins. She was sure glad to leave that place. And so was I. It is so hard to watch your children suffer and if they had kept her for one more day or tried to poke her one more time I think I would have gone postal. I know they were just doing their job but that is not much comfort when it is your baby who is suffering and looking to you for help. All is well, she is back home and hopefully will not have to experience that again. Watching you baby stop breathing and turning blue is so scary. I am just grateful for everyone who was there supporting us and taking care of us. (Even the people with the needles.)

It is official, we have a new President and things in our world are starting to change. Some good and some not so good. I was a little confused when they offer prayers at the Innauguration but they are not allowed any where else publicly. Strange isn't it?