Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes we are still alive. Since I got onto Facebook I don't blog much. Not that I did much before. I have been surving the last few months. I am sick of the cold and the snow. The new batch of snow yesterday almost made me cry. Will it ever end? McNeil is still doing well in school and Brenda is changing daily. She has a vocabulary of about 15 words and can just about get anywhere that she wants to. I am still looking for at home work and trying to get finances organized. I am sure negative when I think about the economy. I am trying to stay focused on the big picture but it is hard when things look so bleak. I hate to see people suffering and not being in a position to help I hope things will get better. Brandon and I were talking the other day about how there has not been a day since Brenda came along that we have not laughed. I am so glad I have my kids to keep me focused. They make me want to be a better person.

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