Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well we survived the chicken pox. With her thin hair and her pox Brenda looks like someone from one of nuclear bomb movies. She is now just one big scab. She is felling much better and is starting to sleep again. Hooray!! Thank you to my mom for all of her help this week. I would not have survived without her. She came over almost daily to help her sleep deprived daughter. She is so awesome! Love ya mom!

The football party is finished and all went well. No more football until next year. I thought this week would be easier but the kids I tend will be coming at 4:30 am everyday this week. So much for catching up on sleep. Oh well, I am just glad my baby is feeling better.

Love to all who help me through life.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Baby woke up this morning with the chickenpox. How that happened we do not know. She has not come in direct contact with anyone that has had them that I know of. I guess she won't have to get her shot in January. I feel so bad for her. She does seem to be doing okay. The only one she will not leave alone is the one on her eye. They make me itchy! Those lovely childhood diseases. It has only just began!

You got to love that lovely pink calomine lotion!