Sunday, August 24, 2008

Man I am not good at this blogging thing. It has been a month since I have put anything on here. I guess I should catch up. School has started and McNeil is now in junior high. I dropped him off an the first day and asked him if he wanted me to come in with him. He said no that he would be fine. Until he looked and saw my face. Then he said "unless you want to come in" I think he thought he hurt my feelings. But I let him go in by himself. I felt like I had just dropped my baby off into a den of wolves. I cried all morning. I am such a baby. I know he is going to do great. Brenda and I are home alone now and we have a great time. We mostly just play and take naps. She has two teeth and really would like to crawl. I am not ready for that. She can get wherever she wants to go by rolling and scooting across the floor. She is growing way to fast. Pretty soon I will be dropping her off to junior high. That day will probably kill me!

Brandon has started coaching football and McNeil is playing even though the doctor suggested that he didn't. Hopefully his foot will hold up and he won't injure himself again. Brandon assures me that by taping his foot before the games he will be fine. Heres hoping! I am looking for some type of work that I can do at home. We would just like to pay off some debt and start a food storage. But I dont' want to leave my baby after waiting all this time for her. I am really enjoying her and if you saw my house you would know how much. I have not seriously cleaned since she was born. We all have clean clothes and food to eat but that is about it. She is just way to fun! I want to wish Kaitlyn well, and I hope she has a good time in college. I am so proud of her. She is awesome! I am going to sure miss her though! Good luck Kaitlyn!

Tah Tah for now!

1 comment:

Pherf said...

Thank you for updating your blog. Noone ever does anymore.